Rainbow Housing Blog

    Success Stories: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

    We are honored to share with you the story of one of our wheelchair-assisted seniors who overcame an uphill challenge this year. This resident received a wheelchair to support their mobility and independence in 2019. Unf[...]

    Success Stories: Against the Grain

    Rainbow's career training program was introduced to a bright young man named K. After a career counseling session, K embarked on a transformative journey by enrolling in the Google IT professional certification program. [...]

    Success Stories: Overcoming Life's Obstacles

    John is a resident of our Montgomery Pines community in Porter, Texas. John is a transplant patient and is required to take anti-rejection medication daily. Also, John is retired and lives off his monthly social security[...]

    Success Stories: Empowered to Succeed

    We met Nery, a Spanish-language resident from a new Rainbow-served community. As an immigrant from El Salvador, she wanted to chase her American Dream! One thing about Nery is she carries herself with professionalism and[...]

    Rainbow’s 2024 Human Impact Fundraiser

    We are returning to Scottsdale, Arizona for our in-person Annual Awards Banquet and pay-for-play charity golf tournament on October 17, 2024, and would love for you to join us.
    YEP Live

    YEP Live

    Rainbow has partnered with Learn To Be to offer all our school-aged community residents an opportunity to have live one-on-one online tutoring sessions with Learn To Be’s world-class educators. This service comes at no c[...]
    WRAP-Learn Anytime | English

    WRAP-Learn Anytime | English

    Rainbow’s live English and Spanish life-skills classes are now available anytime. This allows you to access our most recent live class at a time that works best for you. You’ll have the ability to interact with the class[...]
    GED Live Study

    GED Live Study

    About the Course

    Rainbow’s 2023 Human Impact Fundraiser

    Once again, we will be returning to Scottsdale, Arizona for our in-person Annual Awards Banquet and pay-for-play golf tournament in September 2023. Our fundraising goal is $500,000 and our hope is to raise these funds pr[...]

    Rainbow’s 2022 Human Impact Fundraiser

    We could not have done it without you in 2020 or 2021, nor can we reach those in need without you in 2022.

    RHAC Triumphant in Stand Against Eviction

    Communities are now shielded and protected, thanks to much needed financial support to lift lives across the country

    RHAC Helps Low-Income Communities Across the Nation by Raising Over $230k with Human Impact Fundraiser

    Reliant Group has matched the donation, bringing the total amount raised to $478,892

    Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation Expands Partnership with Related Affordable to Bring Custom Services to Senior Housing Communities in Missouri

    Residents at Winter Gardens and Park Place Apartments in St. Louis Can Now Benefit from a Library of Services including Fitness and Computer Training that are Complementary to the Properties’ Recent Renovations

    Success Stories – Rose

    Rose needed help preparing her resume and finding employment. She and her Resident Services Coordinator (RSC) discussed the various aspects of a resume and how to make it look professional and inviting for employers. The[...]

    RHAC Joins Related Affordable to Revitalize Two Senior Communities in FL

    The nonprofit is providing impactful resident services to senior residents while each property undergoes a comprehensive renovation to modernize units, improve energy efficiency, and much more

    RHAC Partners with Related Affordable to Deliver Quality Resident Services to Affordable Communities in South Carolina

    ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA (September 8, 2021) – Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation (Rainbow), a national nonprofit organization which provides award-winning services for low-income housing tenants throughout the count[...]

    2nd Quarter Review Newsletter

    We at Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation are pleased to provide you with our 2nd quarter review. In this edition:

    Rainbow Housing Expands Partnership with Related Affordable for Oaks on Lamar

    AUSTIN, TEXAS – August 11, 2021 – Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation (Rainbow), a national nonprofit organization that provides service-enriched programs for residents of rental housing communities throughout the cou[...]