Community Spotlight

Haverstock Hills
Decades prior to Rainbow’s engagement, Haverstock Hills in Houston, TX was known only for the persistence of criminal activity and gang nuisances. In 2010, Rainbow built a coalition of community partners, residents, law enforcement officials, prosecutors, elected leaders, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to address this issue. With the assistance of the Harris County Attorney General, this coalition ushered in a landmark anti-gang injunction for Haverstock and the surrounding community. This 57-acre safe zone, which also encompasses the neighboring elementary school, was the first ever injunction of its kind for the county and was created with the specific goal of removing the criminal element from that community.
Quickly seen were results of all these parties working together, forever transforming Haverstock into a community which now boasts front porch living and provides a supportive environment for all who call it home. This change has garnered national media attention and the coalition is still working together to ensure progress is made each and every day.

But we must also think about how we can help families to access financial programs, educational opportunities, and higher paying jobs. In short, we must think beyond investing in bricks and mortar, and think about investing in people.
Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, Sr., M.D.
17th Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Quintessa is a 132-unit family community high-rise development located in the Pioneer Square neighborhood of downtown Seattle, Washington. Within walking distance of the Century Link Field and Safeco Field stadiums, this attractively designed, newly constructed community resides in a highly sought-after location in the city.
Preservation of affordable housing being core to Rainbow’s mission, the organization was formally asked to be a General Partner (GP) for a new ownership entity taking over Quintessa as it fell into foreclosure in 2011. With Rainbow inserted as GP, the new ownership structure was able to purchase the asset while working directly with the Washington State Housing Finance Commission and the City of Seattle to preserve its tax credit compliance and affordability.