- How many times do we tell ourselves, “I am too old for that.”, or “I will get around to doing that tomorrow.”? Now, how many of us look back on our education and say those exact same words?
Rainbow would like to introduce you to Ms. Mildred Cockerham, a 55-year-old resident at one of our Houston, Texas communities who after almost 2 years of dedication obtained her GED through Rainbow’s onsite GED classes.
Ms. Cockerham would stop by daily at the Paggi Community Center (one of Rainbow’s premier onsite Resident Services Centers) and utilize our services, such as the computer lab, as well as volunteer her time mentoring low-income youth residing within the community. Through conversations with Rainbow’s onsite Resident Services Coordinator (RSC), Ms. Cockerham shared she did not have her GED and was apprehensive to begin the process of attending the onsite GED classes.
With daily encouragement from Rainbow’s RSC, Ms. Cockerham enrolled in, attended, and after two years, graduated from the Paggi Community Center’s onsite GED program. As well, she received a congratulations letter from State Senator Sylvia Garcia and a certificate from the National Adult Education Honor Society.
Ms. Cockerham was also the inspiration behind a newly developed Rainbow program entitled “VOICES” (a forum for women to discuss selected topics) aimed at assisting women with self-esteem issues and promoting a positive and safe atmosphere for women.
Armed with her new GED, Ms. Cockerham is ready to take on new and exciting challenges both personally and professionally and continues to provide her guidance and wisdom to the low-income youth of the community through her volunteer efforts.