Rainbow completed its presentation of 2013 activities to its Board of Directors. Included in this report was a sampling of success stories from across the country highlighting the benefits that Rainbow’s service-enriched housing model may make in an individual’s quality of life. Below are three stories which exemplify the passion with which Rainbow’s Resident Services Coordinators (RSC) make positive and meaningful impacts in the communities they serve.
Albertina Newbins knows too well the adversity which comes with managing her earnings on a fixed income. It has only been a little over two months since Ms. Newbins made the Rainbow-served community her home of choice and just within that time span, has utilized Rainbow’s onsite services. Ms. Newbins’ first appointment with Resident Services consisted of high-priority items which needed to be addressed right away. These concerns ranged from the need for an at-home medical bed, replacement of dentures, daily meal assistance, resources to supplement her income, as well as assistance with getting her burial policy current. Resident Services was successful in addressing each need in a timely manner. She thanks Rainbow often for their support. She recently stated, “I had no one else to help me; I don’t know what I would have done, if you weren’t here.” Ms. Newbins is a success and she is “Rainbow”.
Joshua Washington, a former 5th grader at Thompson Elementary, is now 11 years old. This year he will surpass the 6th grade, due to his hard work and dedication. In the spring of 2013, during the STAR testing, he scored a 90% in math, reading, and science. To him, the testing was “easy”, even though it was not always that way. Prior to 5th grade, he barely passed and at times had to attend summer school. During his 5th grade year, he attended Rainbow’s afterschool program and with the guidance from our RSC, he decided to study really hard so he would pass. His mother, who is a single parent with six children, would come home from work and ask why was he not watching television, and his response was that he wanted to study hard without any distractions. Due to his hard work and dedication, this intelligent young man has surpassed his expectations and is now attending Woodson Middle School. Joshua Washington is “Rainbow”.
Mr. Nelson has many responsibilities as he is a father, he supports his mother, and is a full-time student. He suffers with severe asthma attacks as breathing, extensive walking, and heat are very challenging for him. To add to his health stress, he currently has no medical insurance. During the initial interview with Rainbow’s RSC he explained how it hurts him not to be able to play with his son and his desire to be more active. Without medical insurance, he is unable to get proper medical attention and medicine. Our RSC was able to contact the nursing instructor of KSU School of Nursing, requested a referral to a fee-based clinic, and for medical assistance available for Mr. Nelson. They arranged a special visit for Mr. Nelson at Rainbow’s Resource Center and Mr. Nelson was given a supply of medication for his breathing machine and breathing pumps along with an appointment with the outreach clinic, Good Samaritan. His mom is being referred as well. Mr. Nelson is “Rainbow”.