SWAHMA San Antonio

For the second time this year, Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation (Rainbow) was asked to participate in a Southwest Affordable Housing Management Association Conference (swhama.com).  Rainbow presented four sessions regarding the financial benefits of providing resident services. On hand for this year’s San Antonio conference were property managers, services coordinators, ownership entities, and HUD compliance managers from all over the state of Texas.

Participants got to hear from one of Rainbow’s Resident Services Coordinators and fellow Texan, Shay Marshall. Shay provides resident services at a property in Houston and showcased the various roles that a resident services coordinator may fill in the community.

Rainbow’s Executive Director Flynann Janisse educated participants about the significant value that saving one resident by connecting them to services may have on the property. In an hour-long session, Ms. Janisse outlined how working with residents versus simply evicting them may improve the financial performance of the asset, as well as help stabilize the population through the expansion of services.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Pictures of the event may be found here.