Nine and Counting, Rainbow Expands into “The Peach State”

Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation (Rainbow) is proud to announce another monumental step in its growth campaign. Its service-enriched housing model is now being offered in Georgia, making it the ninth state in which Rainbow operates. Through an agreement reached in January, services will begin immediately at Seven Courts apartments located in Atlanta.

Rainbow’s growth initiative continues to be a success story, building on partnerships formed with Centerline Capital Group and the earlier expansion into the Texas market. Seven Courts, owned by Centerline, is the first in a series of affordable housing assets in the Atlanta metropolitan area that will have a Rainbow Resident Services Coordinator onsite.

Entry into the Atlanta markets is a strategic move by Rainbow as the city has robust involvement from charitable organizations and for-profit businesses serving the needs of the low-income population. According to 2009 US Census Data, nearly 18% of the population in Fulton County (where Atlanta is located) qualify as living at or below the poverty line.

Specific to Seven Courts, Rainbow is working closely with the Atlanta Housing Authority to build and deliver a series of world class specialty programs. In addition to Rainbow’s standing commitment on homelessness prevention, the Resident Services Coordinator will be expanding on the asset’s arrangement to serve:

  • Persons with physical, mental, and developmental disabilities
  • Abused spouses and their children
  • Persons with alcohol or other drug addictions
  • Persons living with HIV/AIDS