Haverstock Hills: Service-Enriched Results

We are proud to present this video which details the tremendous impact that Rainbow’s service-enriched housing model has had on the Haverstock Hills community and thank you to all of the partners who engaged with Rainbow to ensure the coalition’s success.

At Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation (Rainbow), our mission is to preserve quality affordable housing by providing enriching supportive services to the residents of multifamily communities. Rainbow operates coast-to-coast and in communities both large and small. For several years, Rainbow has been inserted into Haverstock Hills apartments (Haverstock) in Houston, Texas as the services provider. Haverstock is a 700-unit community located in the northern part of the city and is home to thousands of residents, including several hundred youth.

Decades prior to Rainbow’s engagement, Haverstock was known only for the persistence of criminal activity and gang nuisances. All of that began to change in 2010. Rainbow built a coalition of community partners, residents, law enforcement officials, prosecutors, elected leaders, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to address this issue. With the assistance of the Harris County Attorney General, this coalition ushered in a landmark anti-gang injunction for Haverstock and the surrounding community. This 57-acre safe zone, which also encompassed the neighboring elementary school, was the first ever injunction of its kind for the county and was created with the specific goal of removing the criminal element from that community.

Quickly seen were results of all these parties working together, forever transforming Haverstock into a community that now boasts front porch living and provides a supportive environment for all who call it home. This change has garnered national media attention and the coalition is still working together to ensure that progress is made each and every day.