Media Advisory Interview Source: Florida Housing Coalition Conference

Rental Property Management and Resident Services

Rainbow Housing Assistance Corporation (Rainbow) is a nonprofit organization that provides service-enriched housing programs for residents of rental housing communities throughout the country. Rainbow seeks to preserve quality, affordable housing for families, and stabilize low-income communities through the development and implementation of programs and services that include money-management classes, financial literacy, enhanced life skills, afterschool youth programs, and adult education programs.

Flynann Janisse, Executive Director at Rainbow, will be attending the upcoming Florida Housing Coalition Conference – scheduled for September 7-10 in Orlando – where she will be participating in a panel discussing rental tenant services and property management.

Flynann is available for media interviews at the conference – or phone interviews before/after – to discuss a variety of topics, including:

  • How does property management play a role in developing innovative means to preserve affordable housing with the tenant base as a catalyst?
  • What does property management really entail when focus is placed on sustainability?
  • What are the service-enriched housing programs Rainbow has developed?
  • How does a service-enriched housing model support the development and re-development of communities making a social or economic impact on tenant/resident stabilization?

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Kistie Evans or Melinda Peffer at The Hoyt Organization | (310) 373-0103.